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Reformation Classics Here at ReformationInk
ARCHIBALD ALEXANDER, A Practical View of Regeneration
DON BENEDETTO, The Benefit of Christ Crucified
THEODORE BEZA, Faith & Justification
THEODORE BEZA, The Two Parts of the Word of God: Law & Gospel
THEODORE BEZA, Jesus Christ the Son of GodHORATIUS BONAR, Select Hymns
Links to Additional Bonar ArticlesTHOMAS BOSTON, Man's Utter Inability to Rescue Himself
JOHN BRADFORD, The Places of The Law & The Gospel
JOHN BRADFORD, The Old Man & The New
JOHN BRADFORD, The Flesh & The SpiritJAMES BUCHANAN, The History of Justification in the Ancient Fathers
JOHN CALVIN, Blessed Are They Whose Iniquity is Forgiven
JOHN CALVIN, Grace & Salvation
JOHN CALVIN, Heads of Agreement on the Lord's Supper
JOHN CALVIN, Of Christian Liberty
JOHN CALVIN, Of Justification by Faith
JOHN CALVIN, Select Prayers & Devotions
JOHN CALVIN, When Mercy Obliterates Unrighteousness
Links to Additional Calvin Articles from Other SitesWILLIAM COWPER, Scripture Hymns
WILLIAM COWPER, Hymns on Occasional Subjects
WILLIAM COWPER, Hymns on The Christian LifeTHOMAS CRANMER, Necessary Doctrine
JAMES DENNEY, The Historical Basis of the Christian Faith: The Resurrection of Jesus
JAMES DENNEY, The Place of Christ in New Testament FaithRALPH ERSKINE, Against A Legal Spirit
RALPH ERSKINE, A Legal Strain of Doctrine
RALPH ERSKINE, An Exhortation to All Apart From Christ
RALPH ERSKINE, Arminian Doctrine Exposed
RALPH ERSKINE, Faith & Sense 7/06/02
RALPH ERSKINE, How a Sinner Becomes a Believer
RALPH ERSKINE, Man's Fall in Adam & The Remedy in Christ
RALPH ERSKINE, Smoking Spiritualized in Two Parts
RALPH ERSKINE, The Believer's Principles Concerning The Law & The Gospel
RALPH ERSKINE, The Difference Between Justification & Sanctification
RALPH ERSKINE, The Joyful Sound of The Gospel
RALPH ERSKINE, What it Means to be "Dead to the Law"
Links to Additional Erskine ArticlesGEORGE HERBERT, Religious Poems
A.A. HODGE, Creeds & Confessions
A.A. HODGE, Pelagianism, Semi-Pelagianism & Augustinianism
A.A. HODGE, Regeneration
A.A. HODGE, Sanctification
A.A. HODGE, Sola Scriptura
A.A. HODGE, The Inspiration of Scripture
Links to Additional A.A. Hodge ArticlesCHARLES HODGE, Christianity Without Christ
CHARLES HODGE, Doctrine & Remarks: The Theology of Romans
CHARLES HODGE, Finney's Lecture's on Theology
CHARLES HODGE, For Whom Did Christ Die?
CHARLES HODGE, Ground of Faith in The Scriptures
CHARLES HODGE, Is The Church of Rome A Part of the Visible Church?
CHARLES HODGE, The Theology of the Intellect & That of the Feelings
Links to Additional C. Hodge ArticlesABRAHAM KUYPER, Holy Raiment of One's Own Weaving
ABRAHAM KUYPER, Justification
ABRAHAM KUYPER, Justification from Eternity
ABRAHAM KUYPER, Sanctification
ABRAHAM KUYPER, Sanctification & Justification
ABRAHAM KUYPER, The Pietist & the Perfectionist
Link to Additional Kuyper MaterialHUGH LATIMER, Thou Canst Make Me Clean
MARTIN LUTHER, Christ's Holy Sufferings
MARTIN LUTHER, Concerning Christian Liberty
MARTIN LUTHER, No Compromise with the Church of Rome
MARTIN LUTHER, Martin Luther's Account of His Own Conversion
MARTIN LUTHER & OTHERS, The Importance of Law & Gospel
Links to Additional Luther Articles from other SitesHYMNS
MARTIN LUTHER, Numerous Sermons Organized by Scripture Text (OVER A HUNDRED ON THEIR WAY!!)
J. GRESHAM MACHEN, Christianity & Culture
J. GRESHAM MACHEN, Christianity & Liberalism ( BOOK )
J. GRESHAM MACHEN, History & Faith
J. GRESHAM MACHEN, Liberalism or Christianity? ( ESSAY )
J. GRESHAM MACHEN, New Testament Greek: A Brief Introduction
J. GRESHAM MACHEN, The Atonement
J. GRESHAM MACHEN, The Life of Christ
J. GRESHAM MACHEN, The Minister & His Greek Testament
J. GRESHAM MACHEN, The Origin of Paul's Religion
J. GRESHAM MACHEN, The Proposed Department of Education (Testimony before Senate)
J. GRESHAM MACHEN, The Resurrection of Christ
J. GRESHAM MACHEN, The Witness of Paul
J. GRESHAM MACHEN, What Is Christianity?
Links to Additional Machen ArticlesPHILIP MELANCHTHON, Theses on Law, Gospel & Faith 2/08/02
JOHN NEWTON, Scripture Hymns
JOHN NEWTON, Hymns on The Christian Life
Links to Additional Newton ArticlesJOHN OWEN, The Person & Satisfaction of Christ
Links to Additional Owen ArticlesAUGUSTUS TOPLADY, A Short Essay on Original Sin
AUGUSTUS TOPLADY, Letter to John Wesley
AUGUSTUS TOPLADY, Select Hymns & Poems
AUGUSTUS TOPLADY, Thoughts on The Assurance of FaithFRANCIS TURRETIN, Justification: Forensic or Moral?
FRANCIS TURRETIN, Should Predestination be Publicly Taught & Preached?
FRANCIS TURRETIN, The Necessity of the Atonement
See Also: A Biographical Sketch of Francis Turretin by James R. Wilson
Links to Additional Turretin ArticlesZACHARIUS URSINUS, Christian Perfectionism?
ZACHARIUS URSINUS, In What Does The Law Differ From The Gospel?
ZACHARIUS URSINUS, The Doctrine of Justification
Links to Additional Ursinus ArticlesJUAN de VALDES, What Happens When I Doubt?
GEERHARDUS VOS, Christian Faith & Truthfulness of Bible History
GEERHARDUS VOS, The Eschatology of the Psalter
GEERHARDUS VOS, The Idea of Biblical Theology
GEERHARDUS VOS, The Kingdom of God & The Church
Links to Additional Vos ArticlesB. B. WARFIELD, Augustine & The Pelagian Controversy
B. B. WARFIELD, Authority, Intellect, Heart
B. B. WARFIELD, Calvinism
B. B. WARFIELD, Christianity & Our Times
B. B. WARFIELD, Christianity The Truth
B. B. WARFIELD, Darwin's Arguments Against Christianity
B. B. WARFIELD, Election
B. B. WARFIELD, Entire Sanctification
B. B. WARFIELD, Faith & Life
B. B. WARFIELD, Heresy & Concession
B. B. WARFIELD, John Calvin The Theologian
B. B. WARFIELD, Justification by Faith, Out of Date?
B. B. WARFIELD, Mysticism & Christianity
B. B. WARFIELD, Our Seminary Curriculum
B. B. WARFIELD, Redeemer & Redemption
B. B. WARFIELD, Regeneration
B. B. WARFIELD, Review of Chafer's Higher Life Theology
B. B. WARFIELD, Sanctification
B. B. WARFIELD, Some Thoughts on Predestination
B. B. WARFIELD, The Dogmatic Spirit
B. B. WARFIELD, The Inspiration & Authority of the Scriptures
B. B. WARFIELD, The Prodigal Son
B. B. WARFIELD, The Purpose of The Seminary
B. B. WARFIELD, The Resurrection of Christ: A Historical Fact
B. B. WARFIELD, The Rights of Criticism
B. B. WARFIELD, The Risen Jesus
B. B. WARFIELD, The Theology of Grace
B. B. WARFIELD, The Theology of John Calvin
Links to Additional Warfield ArticlesHERMAN WITSIUS, The Decalogue: Covenant of Works or Covenant of Grace?
Links to Additional Witsius articles
Sentences on Covenant Theology & Justification (by Select Reformed Theologians)
ARCHIBALD ALEXANDER, The Nature & Means of Growth in GraceWILLIAM AMES, Hearing The Word
WILLIAM AMES, Sanctification
WILLIAM AMES, The Marrow of Theology (Exerpts)HERMAN BAVINCK, Creation
HERMAN BAVINCK, Supra & Infralapsarianism
HERMAN BAVINCK, The History of the Doctrine of Predestination
HERMAN BAVINCK, The Law / Gospel Distinction
HERMAN BAVINCK, The Philosophy of Revelation
HERMAN BAVINCK, The Sacrifice of PraiseLOUIS BERKHOF, An Outline of Berkhof's Systematic Theology
LOUIS BERKHOF, Sanctification
LOUIS BERKHOF, Summary of Christian Doctrine (BOOK)THEODORE BEZA, A Briefe Declaration of The Table of Predestination
THEODORE BEZA, Propositions & Principles of Divinity
THEODORE BEZA, The Life of John Calvin
THEODORE BEZA, The Rights of Magistrates and Their Subjects
THEODORE BEZA, Thirty-Eight Aphorisms against Castalio
THEODORE BEZA, Twenty-Nine Propositions against CastalioLORAINE BOETTNER, Efficacious Grace
LORAINE BOETTNER, Outline of Systems: Universalism, Arminianism & Calvinism
LORAINE BOETTNER, The Inspiration Of Scripture
LORAINE BOETTNER, The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination ( BOOK )
LORAINE BOETTNER, The Reformed Faith
LORAINE BOETTNER, The Sovereignty of God
LORAINE BOETTNER, Total InabilityTHOMAS BOSTON, Christ's Name Wonderful
THOMAS BOSTON, How We Ought To Think About God's Providence
THOMAS BOSTON, Important Lessons On The Decrees of God
THOMAS BOSTON, Praying in the Name of Christ
THOMAS BOSTON, The Beauties of Boston
THOMAS BOSTON, The Crook in the Lot
THOMAS BOSTON, The Nature of Faith & Obedience
THOMAS BOSTON, Useful Directions For Reading and Searching the ScripturesHORATIUS BONAR, Follow The Lamb ( BOOK )
HORATIUS BONAR, God's Way of Holiness ( BOOK )
HORATIUS BONAR, God's Way of Peace ( BOOK )
HORATIUS BONAR, How Shall I Go To God? ( BOOK )
HORATIUS BONAR, Not Faith But Christ
HORATIUS BONAR, The Everlasting Righteousness ( BOOK )
HORATIUS BONAR, Additional Bonar Resources From CCELJOHN BRADFORD, Godly Meditations
JOHN BRADFORD, Sermons and TractsJOHN BROWN, The Occasion of the Marrow Controversy
HENRY BULLINGER, The Decades (A Treatise On Providence & Predestination)
JOHN BUNYAN, A Defence of The Doctrine of Justification by Faith
JOHN BUNYAN, Justification by An Imputed Righteousness
JOHN BUNYAN, Pilgrim's Progress ( BOOK )
JOHN BUNYAN, The Doctrine of Law & Grace Unfolded
JOHN BUNYAN, The Works of Jesus Christ as an Advocate
JOHN CALVIN, A Reformation Debate: Calvin vs. Rome
JOHN CALVIN, Bible Commentaries (Complete Set)
JOHN CALVIN, Calvin's Calvinism (A Treatise on Predestination)
JOHN CALVIN, The Institutes of The Christian Religion
JOHN CALVIN, Tracts and Letters (VOLUMES 1 & 2)ESSAYS
JOHN CALVIN, An Inventory of Relics
JOHN CALVIN, Antidote to the Council of Trent on Justification
JOHN CALVIN, Articles of Sacred Theology of Paris & the Antidote
JOHN CALVIN, A Short Summary of The Book of Romans
JOHN CALVIN, Catechism of the Church of Geneva
JOHN CALVIN, Christ Merits Grace & Salvation
JOHN CALVIN, Free Will Refuted
JOHN CALVIN, Letter to the Pope
JOHN CALVIN, Of Christian Liberty
JOHN CALVIN, Of Justification by Faith
JOHN CALVIN, Of Original Sin
JOHN CALVIN, On The Christian Life
JOHN CALVIN, Redemption to be Sought in Christ Alone
JOHN CALVIN, Short Treatise on the Holy Supper of Our Lord Jesus ChristSERMONS
JOHN CALVIN, Sermons on Deuteronomy On the Sabbath (Part 1) / (Part 2)
JOHN CALVIN, Sermons: Three Volumes (French edition)
JOHN CALVIN, Sermons on Timothy and Titus:
I Have Obtained Mercy From God's Hands (1579 EDITION, PDF FILE)
If Any Man Desires the Office of a Bishop (1579 EDITION, PDF FILE)
Take Heed to Thy Self and to Learning (1579 EDITION, PDF FILE)
Be An Example Unto Them That Believe (1579 EDITION, PDF FILE)
Despise Not The Gift That Is In Thee (1579 EDITION, PDF FILE)Click Here for Additional Calvin Links
ROBERT CANDLISH, Reason & Revelation: The Authority & Inspiration of the Scriptures
ROBERT CANDLISH, Reason & Revelation: The Infallibility of the Scriptures
ROBERT CANDLISH, Sermons & Works
ROBERT CANDLISH, The Gospel of ForgivenessTHOMAS CHALMERS, A Sermon on Predestination
THOMAS CHALMERS, The Necessity of the Spirit in the Work of Conversion
THOMAS CHALMERS, The Works of Thomas ChalmersTHOMAS CRANMER, The Book of Common Prayer (1552)
WILLIAM COWPER, The Complete Poetical Works
WILLIAM CUNNINGHAM, The Doctrine of the Fall (from: Historical Theology Vol. 1)
JOHN DRYDEN, Religio Laici, or A Layman's Faith (A Poem on Deism & Reason over Revelation)
JONATHAN EDWARDS, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
EBENEZER ERSKINE, A Robbery Commited and Restitution Made, both to God and Man
RALPH ERSKINE, A Word of Salvation Sent To Sinners
RALPH ERSKINE, A Song of Praise to God
RALPH ERSKINE, Benefits Accruing to Believers from Christ
RALPH ERSKINE, Christ the Believer's Adorning Garment
RALPH ERSKINE, Christ the Believer's Sweet Nourishment
RALPH ERSKINE, Comfort to Believers in Christ's Relations
RALPH ERSKINE, Earth Despicable, Heaven Desirable
RALPH ERSKINE, God's Great Name, the Ground and Reason of Saving Great Sinners
RALPH ERSKINE, Gospel Humiliation
RALPH ERSKINE, Heaven's Grand Repository
RALPH ERSKINE, Objections Against Receiving Christ Answered
RALPH ERSKINE, The Believer's Faith and Hope Encouraged
RALPH ERSKINE, The Difference Between Legal and Gospel Mortification
RALPH ERSKINE, The Free Gospel-Call (A Poetical Paraphrase of Is. 55:1-3)
RALPH ERSKINE, The Right Rule of Our Love to Christ
RALPH ERSKINE, The Spiritual Feelings of Believers and Hypocrites Compared
RALPH ERSKINE, Thy Husband is thy Maker
RALPH ERSKINE, Unbelievers' Joy in the Word?
RALPH ERSKINE, What Sinners Should Plead with GodEDWARD FISHER, The Difference Between The Law & The Gospel
EDWARD FISHER, The Marrow of Modern Divinity (BOOK)
EDWARD FISHER, The Proper Use of the Law of GodJOHN FLAVEL, Christ Altogether Lovely
JOHN FLAVEL, Gospel Unity
JOHN FLAVEL, The Method of Grace in the Gospel Redemption
JOHN FLAVEL, The Fountain of Life Opened Up (BOOK)JOHN FOXE, Foxe's Book of Martyrs (BOOK)
JOHN FOXE, Notes on PredestinationTHE GENEVAN BOOK OF ORDER, The Form Used in the English Congregation at Geneva (1556)
JOHN L. GIRARDEAU, Calvinism & Evangelical Arminianism
THOMAS GOODWIN, The Wisdom of Patience
THOMAS GOODWIN, God, the Fountain of Salvation for All His Elect
THOMAS GOODWIN, The Greatness of God's Love to His ElectWILLIAM GUTHRIE, The Christian's Great Interest
GEORGE F. HANDEL, Messiah (Music & Text)
MATTHEW HENRY, Complete Commentary on the Whole Bible (BOOK)
A.A. HODGE, A Comparison of Systems
A.A. HODGE, Adoption
A.A. HODGE, Assurance & Humility
A.A. HODGE, Assurance of Grace & Salvation
A.A. HODGE, Baptism
A.A. HODGE, Christ The Mediator
A.A. HODGE, Christian Liberty
A.A. HODGE, Comentary on the Westminster Confession of Faith (BOOK)
A.A. HODGE, Creation
A.A. HODGE, Effectual Calling
A.A. HODGE, Free Will
A.A. HODGE, God's Covenant with Man
A.A. HODGE, God's Holy Decree
A.A. HODGE, Good Works
A.A. HODGE, Holy Scripture
A.A. HODGE, Justification
A.A. HODGE, Of God & The Holy Trinity
A.A. HODGE, Of Saving Faith
A.A. HODGE, Perseverance of The Saints
A.A. HODGE, Providence
A.A. HODGE, Repentance Unto Life
A.A. HODGE, Sanctification
A.A. HODGE, The Church
A.A. HODGE, The Fall of Man in Sin
A.A. HODGE, The Lord's Supper
A.A. HODGE, The Order of Salvation
A.A. HODGE, The Person of Christ
A.A. HODGE, The Presence of Christ at the Lord's Supper
A.A. HODGE, The Sacraments
CHARLES HODGE, Attack on the Princeton Review: A Response to Prof. Park
CHARLES HODGE, Christian Nurture 7/25/02
CHARLES HODGE, Justification 1) Introduction
CHARLES HODGE, Justification 2) The Demands of the Law are Satisfied
CHARLES HODGE, Justification 3) The Righteousness of Christ
CHARLES HODGE, Preaching the Gospel to the Poor
CHARLES HODGE, Romans 5:1-11
CHARLES HODGE, Romans 5:12-21
CHARLES HODGE, Sanctification
CHARLES HODGE, Systematic Theology (BOOK)
CHARLES HODGE, The Covenant of Grace (BOOK)
CHARLES HODGE, The Nature & Necessity of a Public Profession of Religion 6/24/02
CHARLES HODGE, The Protestant Rule of Faith
CHARLES HODGE, What Is Darwinism? (BOOK)
CHARLES HODGE, What is Meant by Adopting the Westminster Confession
CHARLES HODGE, What Is Presbyterianism? (BOOK)RICHARD HOOKER, A Learned Discourse of Justification
JAMIESON, FAUSSET & BROWN, Commentary on the Whole Bible (1871)
ABRAHAM KUYPER, Encyclopaedia of Sacred Theology (BOOK)
ABRAHAM KUYPER, Lectures on Calvinism (BOOK)
ABRAHAM KUYPER, The Work of the Holy Spirit (BOOK)
ABRAHAM KUYPER, When What Is Mortal Is Swallowed Up By Life 7/27/02C.S. LEWIS, Why Read The Classics? An Introduction to Athanasius's Book: On The Incarnation
MARTIN LUTHER, Commentary on Galatians ( BOOK )
MARTIN LUTHER, Larger Catechism
MARTIN LUTHER, Smaller Catechism
MARTIN LUTHER, A Treatise on Good Works
MARTIN LUTHER, An Introduction to Paul's Letter to the Romans
MARTIN LUTHER, An Open Letter to the Christian Nobility
MARTIN LUTHER, Colorful Sayings
MARTIN LUTHER, Ninety-five Theses
MARTIN LUTHER, On Secular Authority
MARTIN LUTHER, Order of Divine Service
MARTIN LUTHER, Smalcald Articles
MARTIN LUTHER, The Importance of Justification by Faith
MARTIN LUTHER, Three Kinds of Righteousness
MARTIN LUTHER, To Several Nuns
J. GRESHAM MACHEN, Faith in God 6/24/02
J. GRESHAM MACHEN, Faith Born of Need 6/24/02
J. GRESHAM MACHEN, Is Mankind Lost in Sin? 6/24/02
J. GRESHAM MACHEN, My Idea of God (PDF file)
J. GRESHAM MACHEN, New Testament Greek For Beginners
J. GRESHAM MACHEN, On Public Education
J. GRESHAM MACHEN, Sins Wages & God's Gift 6/24/02
J. GRESHAM MACHEN, The Consequences of the Fall of Man 6/24/02
J. GRESHAM MACHEN, The Fall of Man 6/24/02
J. GRESHAM MACHEN, The Fear of God 6/24/02
J. GRESHAM MACHEN, The Importance of Christian Scholarship
J. GRESHAM MACHEN, The Living Saviour
J. GRESHAM MACHEN, The Separateness of the Church
J. GRESHAM MACHEN, The Tolerance of Paul
J. GRESHAM MACHEN, What is Sin? 6/24/02
J. GRESHAM MACHEN, The Christian Faith in the Modern World (BOOK) 6/24/02Select chapters from Machen's book above:
How May God Be Known 6/24/02
Has God Spoken? 6/24/02
Is The Bible The Word of God? 6/24/02
Shall We Defend The Bible? 6/24/02
The Bible vs Human Authority 6/24/02
Life Founded Upon Truth 6/24/02
Does the Bible Teach the Deity of Christ? 6/24/02
Did Jesus Rise From the Dead? 6/24/02
The Testimony of Paul to Christ 6/24/02
The Holy Spirit 6/24/02
PHILIP MELANCTHON, The Power of the Gospel
PHILIP MELANCTHON, The Life and Acts of Martin Luther (Part I)
PHILIP MELANCTHON, The Life and Acts of Martin Luther (Part II)JOHN MILTON, Paradise Lost
JOHN MURRAY, Free Offer of The Gospel
JOHN MURRAY, Arminianism in the Pilgrimage of the Soul
JOHN MURRAY, The Death of Christ
JOHN MURRAY, The Calling of the Westminster Assembly
JOHN MURRAY, The Catechisms of the Westminster Assembly
JOHN MURRAY, The Covenant of Grace
JOHN MURRAY, The Reformed Faith & Arminianism
JOHN MURRAY, The Westminster Standards
JOHN MURRAY, The Work of the Westminster Assembly
JOHN MURRAY, Why Will You Die?
JOHN MURRAY, Why We Baptize InfantsCHRISTOPHER NESS, Antidote Against Arminianism
JOHN WILLIAMSON NEVIN, Preface to the Mystical PresenceJOHN NEWTON, Controversy
JOHN NEWTON, Joy & Peace in Believing
JOHN NEWTON, Letters of John Newton
JOHN NEWTON, More Than A Calvinist
JOHN NEWTON, Public Prayer
JOHN NEWTON, Spiritual Blindness
JOHN NEWTON, The Believer's Inability on Account of Remaining Sin
JOHN NEWTON, The Day of Judgement
JOHN NEWTON, The Doctrines of Election and Final Perseverance
JOHN NEWTON, The Right Use of The Law
JOHN NEWTON, The Vanity of the World
JOHN NEWTON, What the Believer Can Attain to in This LifeJOHN OWEN, Arminian Theology Compared with Scripture
JOHN OWEN, Evidences of the Faith of God's Elect
JOHN OWEN, Instruction in the Worship of God
JOHN OWEN, Peace and Stupidity (Is Ignorance Really "bliss"?)
JOHN OWEN, The Covenant of the Mediator 12/26/01
JOHN OWEN, The Death of Death in The Death of Christ ( BOOK )
JOHN OWEN, The Doctrine of Justification by Faith ( BOOK )
JOHN OWEN, The Duty of A Pastor (An Ordination Sermon - 1682)
JOHN OWEN, There is Forgiveness with Thee (Volume 6 of Owen's Works) ( BOOK )
JOHN OWEN, Two Short CatechismsFRANCIS L. PATTON, Divine Retribution
FRANCIS L. PATTON, The Place of Philosophy in Theological CurriculumWILLIAM PERKINS, The Golden Chain, or the Causes of Salvation & Damnation ( BOOK )
H.N. RIDDERBOS, The New Point of View 7/27/02
J. C. RYLE, The Cross
J. C. RYLE, The Danger of Christian Complacency
J. C. RYLE, The Duties of ParentsDOROTHY SAYERS, The Greatest Drama Ever Staged
DOROTHY SAYERS, The Lost Tools of LearningPHILIP SCHAFF, An Introduction to The History of The Reformation
PHILIP SCHAFF, The German Reformation: Luther's Thesis to The Diet of Worms
PHILIP SCHAFF, The Propagation & Persecution of Protestantism
PHILIP SCHAFF, The Sacramentarian Controversies
PHILIP SCHAFF, John Calvin & His Work
PHILIP SCHAFF, The Theology of Calvin
PHILIP SCHAFF, The Theology of Our Age & Country
PHILIP SCHAFF, Theodore Beza
PHILIP SCHAFF, History of The Christian Church (Entire 8 Volume Set)
PHILIP SCHAFF, A Host of SectsKLAAS SCHILDER, Christ & Culture (BOOK )
KLAAS SCHILDER, Nineteen Theses Concerning the Church
KLAAS SCHILDER, Sarcasm on Golgotha
KLAAS SCHILDER, The Doctrine of the Covenant
KLAAS SCHILDER, The Unity of the Church
KLAAS SCHILDER, The Weeping of Rachel
KLAAS SCHILDER, The Year of Destruction in the Light of the Year of JubileeRICHARD SIBBES, Christ Is Best: or, St. Paul's Strait
RICHARD SIBBES, A Description of ChristC.H. SPURGEON, Justification by Faith
C.H. SPURGEON, Christ Crucified
C.H. SPURGEON, Christ the End of The Law
C.H. SPURGEON, The Day of Atonement
C.H. SPURGEON, The Death of Christ
C.H. SPURGEON, Expiation
C.H. SPURGEON, Exposition of the Doctrines of Grace
C.H. SPURGEON, For Whom Did Christ Die?
C.H. SPURGEON, A Defense of Calvinism
C.H. SPURGEON, Election No Discouragement to Seeking SoulsAGUSTUS TOPLADY, A Caveat Against Unsound Doctrines
AGUSTUS TOPLADY, Arminianism: The Road To Rome!FRANCIS TURRETIN, Effectual Calling
FRANCIS TURRETIN, Predestination
FRANCIS TURRETIN, Sanctification
FRANCIS TURRETIN, On The Lord's Supper
FRANCIS TURRETIN, The Decrees of God
FRANCIS TURRETIN, The Fourth Commandment
FRANCIS TURRETIN, The Holy Scriptures
FRANCIS TURRETIN, The Intercession of Christ
FRANCIS TURRETIN, The Object of Predestination
FRANCIS TURRETIN, The Origin of the Soul
FRANCIS TURRETIN, The Will of GodWILLIAM TYNDALE, A Lively Description
WILLIAM TYNDALE, A Pathway Into Holy ScriptureZACHARIUS URSINUS, Can Our Good Works Please God?
ZACHARIUS URSINUS, Christian Worship
ZACHARIUS URSINUS, Of The Church Predestined to Life & ForgivenGEERHARDUS VOS, A Sermon on Psalm 25:14
GEERHARDUS VOS, A Sermon on Isaiah 57:15
GEERHARDUS VOS, A Sermon on Matthew 16:24-25
GEERHARDUS VOS, A Sermon on Matthew 25:14
GEERHARDUS VOS, A Sermon on Mark 10:45
GEERHARDUS VOS, A Sermon on 1 Cor. 5:7
GEERHARDUS VOS, A Sermon on 1 Cor 15:14
GEERHARDUS VOS, A Sermon on Hebrews 12:1-3
GEERHARDUS VOS, A Sermon on Hebrews 13:8
GEERHARDUS VOS, A Sermon on 1Peter 1:3-5
GEERHARDUS VOS, Hungering & Thirsting After Righteousness
GEERHARDUS VOS, Seeking & Saving The Lost
GEERHARDUS VOS, The More Excellent Ministry
GEERHARDUS VOS, The Spiritual Resurrection of Believers
GEERHARDUS VOS, The Wonderful TreeC.F.W. WALTHER, Compendium of Positive Theology (1877)
C.F.W. WALTHER, The Controversy Concerning Predestination, 1881
C.F.W. WALTHER, A Sermon on Predestination, 1883
C.F.W. WALTHER, The Doctrine of Election (Questions & Answers)B. B. WARFIELD, A Brief and Untechnical Statement of the Reformed Faith
B. B. WARFIELD, Apologetics
B. B. WARFIELD, Calvin And The Bible
B. B. WARFIELD, Calvin And The Reformation
B. B. WARFIELD, Christian Baptism
B. B. WARFIELD, Christianity And Revelation
B. B. WARFIELD, Counterfeit Miracles ( BOOK ) 5/17/02
B. B. WARFIELD, Early Church Comments on Inspiration
B. B. WARFIELD, God's Providence Over All
B. B. WARFIELD, Incarnate Truth
B. B. WARFIELD, Inspiration
B. B. WARFIELD, Jonathan Edwards & The New England Theology
B. B. WARFIELD, The Biblical Doctrine of the Trinity
B. B. WARFIELD, The Cessation of the Charasmata
B. B. WARFIELD, The Christ That Paul Preached
B. B. WARFIELD, The Divine & Human in the Bible
B. B. WARFIELD, The Divine Messiah in the Old Testament
B. B. WARFIELD, The End of the Incarnation
B. B. WARFIELD, The Formation of the New Testament Canon
B. B. WARFIELD, The Fundamental Significance Of The Lord's Supper
B. B. WARFIELD, The Historical Christ
B. B. WARFIELD, The Human Development of Jesus
B. B. WARFIELD, The Leading of The Spirit
B. B. WARFIELD, The Person of Christ According to the New Testament
B. B. WARFIELD, The Plan of Salvation ( BOOK )
B. B. WARFIELD, The Polemics of Infant Baptism
B. B. WARFIELD, The Meaning of "Theopneustos"
B. B. WARFIELD, The Miracles of Rome
B. B. WARFIELD, The Significance of the Westminster Standards
B. B. WARFIELD, What Is Calvinism?
B. B. WARFIELD, What Fatalism IsTHOMAS WATSON, The Lord's Prayer ( BOOK )
THOMAS WATSON, Poor in Spirit
THOMAS WATSON, Settled in the FaithGEORGE WHITEFIELD, Christ, The Believer's Wisdom, Rightousness, Sanctification...
GEORGE WHITEFIELD, Letter to John WesleyHERMAN WITSIUS, Of Justification 12/26/01
HERMAN WITSIUS, Of The Violation of the Covenant of Works
HERMAN WITSIUS, The Character of the Genuine TheologianJOHANNES WOLLEBIUS, The Outward Administration of the Church (1650)
J.A. WYLIE, The History of Protestantism
J.A. WYLIE, The Papacy: Its History, Dogmas, Genius, and ProspectsJEROME ZANCHIUS, Absolute Predestination ( BOOK )
JEROME ZANCHIUS, Confession of the Christian Religion ( BOOK )
JEROME ZANCHIUS, Observations on the Divine Attributes
JEROME ZANCHIUS, October Treatises (The Lord's Supper, Perseverance & Predestination)
JEROME ZANCHIUS, Select Works (includes biography & bibliographic info)
Reformation Creeds, Catechisms & Liturgies
Luther's Small Catechism
The Augsburg Confession
The Smallcald Articles
The Book of Concord (also avail as PDF or Microsoft Reader files)
Calvin's Consensus Tigurinus 12/26/01
Calvin's French Confession 12/26/01
The Genevan Catechism (1545)
The Genevan Confession (1536, English & French) 12/26/01
The Belgic Confession (1561)
The Heidelberg Catechism (1563)
The Second Helvetic Confession (1561 / 1566)
The Canons of the Synod of Dort (1619)
Westminster Confession (1647)
Westminster Shorter Catechism (1647)
The Formula Consensus Helvetica (1675)Liturgy of the Reformed Churches
The Heidelberg Liturgy (1563) 12/26/01
The Strassburg Liturgy (1545) 12/26/01Confessio Fidei (1631, Cyril Lucaris, Patriach of Constantinople). This rather "Protestant" sounding Eastern Orthodox confession of faith was later condemned by Eastern synods.
Links to Early Church Resources
Ancient Creeds & Symbols
Anti-Nicene, Nicene, and Post-Nicene Church Fathers (BOOKS: MULTIPLE VOLUMES)ATHANATIUS, On The Incarnation
ATHANATIUS, A History of the AriansAUGUSTINE, Anti-Pelagian Writings
AUGUSTINE, Commentary on the Psalms
AUGUSTINE, Confessions
AUGUSTINE, Handbook on Faith, Hope, and Love
AUGUSTINE, On Christine Doctrine (A important treatise on the philosophy of language)
AUGUSTINE, On The Catechising of the Uninstructed
AUGUSTINE, On The Creed: A Sermon to the Catechumens
AUGUSTINE, The City of God
AUGUSTINE, Treatise on Predestination 12/30/01EUSEBIUS, Ecclesiastical History
IRENAEUS, Against Heresies
MATHETES, Epistle to Diognetus (One of the earliest existing Christian documents)
Church Fathers: New Advent
The Ecole Initiative
Early Church Resources
Documents of the Early Church
Christian Heresies of the Classical Era
Quotations on Scripture and the Church (Various Saints)
Links to Medieval Resources
ANSELM, Cur Deus Homo (Why Did God Become Man?)
ANSELM, Major Theological & Philosophical WorksAQUINAS, Summa Theologica
BOETHIUS, A Treatise Against Eutyches & Nestorius
BOETHIUS, On The Catholic Faith
BOETHIUS, The Consolation of Philosophy
BOETHIUS, The Trinity is One God, Not ThreeDUNS SCOTUS, Treatise of God as First Principle
LOMBARD, Sentences
PSEUDO-DIONYSIUS, Mystical Theology & Other Works
Roman Catholic / Eastern Orthodox Resources
The Canons & Decrees of the Council of Trent
Encyclicals and Other Papal Documents
The Baltimore Catechism
The Modern Catholic Catechism
The Catholic Encyclopedia
A Brief Glossary of the Medieval Church
The Summa Theologica of St. Thomas Aquinas
Catholic Documents by Subject
Syllabus of Papal and Magisterial Errors (Catholic Critique)
The Papacy: Its History, Dogmas, Genius, and Prospects (Protestant Critique)
Alpha & Omega's Roman Catholic Resources (Protestant Critiques)
Quotations on The Church's Authority (Various Saints)The Orthodox Reading Page
An Orthodox Catechism
An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith (St. John Damascene)
Confessio Fidei (Cyril Lucaris) (Protestant sounding creed, later rejected)
(Non-Reformational) Evangelical Source Material
The Works of James Arminius
Charles Finney: Lectures on Revival
Charles Finney: Systematic Theology
John Wesley: A Plain Account of Christian Perfection
John Wesley: Sermons on Several Occasions
JOHN LIGHTFOOT, Commentary on the NT from the Talmud & Hebraica
FLAVIUS JOSEPHUS, The Works of Josephus ( BOOK )
JAMES McCOSH, The Scottish Philosophy ( BOOK )
DOROTHY SAYERS, The Lost Tools of Learning
ALEXIS de TOQUEVILLE, Democracy In America ( BOOK )
CHRISTIAN CLASSICS HYMNARY, Database of Christian Hymns
Misc. Recommended Sites for Classical Resources
American Colonist's Library
Ancient and Medieval Classics
Center for Reformation & Renaissance Studies
Christian Classics Ethereal Library
Christian Latin Library
Classic Philosophers and Poets
Dictionary of Philosophical Terms and Names
Dictionary of Theology (Christian Apologetics Research Ministry)
Grace Online Library
Guide to Philosophy on the Internet
Internet Christian Library
Internet Theology Resources: Systematic Theology
Internet Theology Resources: Church History
Making of America
New Advent: Catholic Resources
R. Scott Clark's Page
Reformation Guide
Sola Scriptura
The Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit
The Ecole Initiative
The Internet Classics (Secular) Archive
The Universal "E-Text" Library
(www.markers.com/ink) is designed and maintained by Shane Rosenthal.
Refer any correspondence to ReformationInk at mac.com (connect and write as @mac.com -- when I connect them I get a lot of junk mail)..