[The Holy Bible]

1611 King James Version

The name and order of all the Books of
the Olde and New Testament, with the
Number of their Chapters.

The Books of the Old Testament.

Genesis hath Chapters 50
Exodus 40
Leuiticus 27
Numbers 36
Deuteronomie 34
Ioshua 24
Iudges 21
Ruth 4
1. Samuel 31
2. Samuel 24
1. Kings 22
2. Kings 25
1. Chronicles 29
2. Chronicles 36
Ezrah 10
Nehemiah 13
Ester 10
Iob 42
Psalmes 150
Prouerbs 31
Ecclesiastes hath Chapters 12
The song of Solomon 8
Isaiah 66
Ieremiah 52
Lamentations 5
Ezekiel 48
Daniel 12
Hosea 14
Ioel 3
Amos 9
Obadiah 1
Ionah 4
Micah 7
Nahum 5
Habakkuk 3
Zephaniah 3
Haggai 2
Zechariah 14
Malachi 4

The Books called Apocrypha.

1. ESdras hath Chapters 9
2. Esdras 16
Tobit 14
Iudeth 16
The rest of Esther 6
Wisedome 19
Ecclesiasticus 51
Baruch with the Epistle of Ieremiah 6
The song of the three children.
The story of Susanna.
The idole Bel and the Dragon.
The prayer of Manasseh.
1. Maccabees 16
2. Maccabees 15

The Books of the New Testament.

MAtthew hath Chap. 28
Marke 16
Luke 24
Iohn 21
The Actes 26
The Epistle to the Romanes 16
1. Corinthians 16
2. Corinthians 13
Galatians 6
Ephesians 6
Philippians 4
Colossians 4
1. Thessalonians 5
2. Thessalonians hath Chapters 3
1. Timotheus 6
2. Timotheus 4
Titus 3
Philemon 1
To the Hebrewes 13
The Epistle of Iames 5
1. Peter 5
2. Peter 3
1. Iohn 5
2. Iohn 1
3. Iohn 1
Iude 1
Reuelation 22